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05/31/24 01:17 PM #2442    


Jake Smith

 I was sorry to hear about the loss of Jimmy.He was a good friend ,great pilot and patriot.I have to share this funny and embarassing event that happened years ago, I was picking up customers in Peoria of which my company had used Jimmy on many occasions.We landed and it did not seem to be the Peoria that I had seen  many times before.Jimmy looked at me and with a grinn and said this Peoria ILL,.Well someone  had really messed up, I needed to go to Peroria IND ,We refuelded and headed to Peoria?? My secretary had made a big mistake, Ha! no it was me.

07/04/24 09:24 AM #2443    


Cheryl Pope (Bumgarner)

Thank you for the beautiful July 4th video. My heart was overwhelmed as I listened to it.

07/04/24 04:50 PM #2444    


Kay Manning (Elrod)

Becky, thanks for the lovely video for the 4th. It's a winner!  My Dad loved Sandy Patti!  He is listening some place out there.

07/13/24 10:19 AM #2445    


Cheryl Pope (Bumgarner)


I love the picture. It goes right along with my Christmas in July Hallmark movies.


(Burkini St. Augustine) You know what I mean. lol

07/15/24 09:56 AM #2446    


Jimmy Winchester

Prayers for President Trump for surviving an attempt on his life, prayers for the families of the three supporters , one who was killed ,two wounded.

07/15/24 04:24 PM #2447    

Laurena Hutto (Taylor)

AMEN.   What has happened to this country of ours?  WOW.  Seems we never learn lessons from our past history.  Innocent deaths taken in the course of the cruelty exhibited, a young man who was someone's father, son, husband and a firefighter taken needlesly.  God forgive.

07/16/24 10:50 AM #2448    


Kay Manning (Elrod)

Laurena and Jimmy: Thanks for your comments about the recent events. Once again, there is an obvious silence in response to your questions. As a country we have become so politically correct in avoiding conflict that we have lost track of how to communicate what is important and necessary in creating peace. We all need boundries. Freedom of speech does not mean insulting, threatening, blaming, lying, accusing, slanderizing, and terrorizing our citizens or leaders. Hate and violence have never been acceptable.  We have no values. We have no power higher than ourselves.  As we struggle against our sins of the past, we repeat them in the present by holding on to the concept that all who are different from ourselves are evil.  To some degree, it is human nature to be prejudice. Even among family and friends, there is always conflict as to whose way is the best way. So, there is no reason to keep on arguing that point, just concede that we all are guilty of that.  I could go on forever.

I believe a long time ago, God had to step back and take a long look at what is called "civilization".  We have spoiled His beautiful creation and now we ask "where is He?"  He is still inside each of us waiting to be rediscovered.  Remember the last time someone did you an unexpected kindness? That was Him!  Remember the birth of your last grandchild? That was Him.  Remember when he gave your sick loved one another six months to share with you? That was Him. Remember when your children last said "Mom/Dad, thanks for all you did! That was Him too!

Just some random thoughts as I try to take responsibility for my part in all this craziness.  Thanks to Jimmy and Laurena for raising the important questions.

07/16/24 04:16 PM #2449    


Jimmy Winchester

Thank you Kay and Laurena for your comments. Hopfully others will come foward. 


07/17/24 07:25 PM #2450    

Wayne Haselden

Kay you hit the nail on the head! We as a country have lost our values! Things are going down hill fast. We as a nation need to turn to God! Just a few thoughts to ponder.  Thanks Wayne! It is a scary world!  It is no longer a political issue, it is now a moral issue.

07/24/24 05:37 PM #2451    


Kay Manning (Elrod)

Just wondering if anyone checked on Freddie McClurkin and family after Hurricane Beryl swept thru Jamaica? I hope all of those vintage planes were spared any damage.

07/25/24 08:05 AM #2452    


D. Anne Bagley (Elliott)

Kay, well said. I sometimes struggle with we all are children of God..with .no respect of creation , hatred, but commercials are my biggest irritation! I had no power for 8 days and no tv, got out with neighbors as we picked up storm debris, went to bed without disturbing news and peace. Anyway, I enjoy reading your posts on here.

07/25/24 05:29 PM #2453    


Kay Manning (Elrod)

Anne: I am sorry to say, I failed to check on you too. My mind is just about shot. Please forgive me. I had forgotten you live so close to Houston. Did you have flooding? Were your children with you?  Do you have a generator?  I have read where many people are leaving the Houston area because of the storms. Come on home, Anne. We only get the hurricanes about every 50 years or so and Rock Hill is lovely! So many friends still there, or close enough. K

PS: We enjoy hearing from you too! It has been a while. Stay in touch, girl!

08/02/24 11:12 AM #2454    


Kay Manning (Elrod)

George: I enjoyed the quote at the end of your Friday note to the class, but I am afraid you may have opened a can of worms.  Why should we be gentle with the male of the species?  We are so different!  It is hard for me to understand the male logic or lack thereof.  The fear of the female comes from the mother of the man-child driving her young to the emergency room for splitting his head open after falling from that huge concrete pipe he was told to stay away from and knocking out his teeth that  she just spent thousands of dollars at the orthodontist to correct his overbite.  If you have heard that kind of rage, you know where the fear comes from.  Oh, don't get me started.....

Not so funny story.  We were at the oncologist's office the other day and there are a lot of questions now related to mental health. The nurse asked my husband, "Do you feel safe in your home? Are you afraid of anyone or anything at home? My husband looked at me and pointed. Ha!  No ice cream for him when we got home.

08/02/24 10:38 PM #2455    


George Crow

Oops, Kay. Maybe I did open a can of worms seeking sympathy from all you cold-hearted Class of '66 females :-)

Changing subjects, you inquired earlier about Fred McClurkin. Last time I heard from Fred was on our May Zoom call. He was his usual exuberant self! No luck when I tried again a week or so ago on his birthday. I know he goes back and forth between Jamaica & Kansas City plus had that hurricane you referenced, so I'm guessing his plate has been quite full. I know he appreciates all the prayers of his classmates for his battle with ALS.

Praying & cheering for Lake and you with the health challenges crossing your paths.




08/03/24 10:10 AM #2456    


Kay Manning (Elrod)

I forgive you!

08/03/24 04:31 PM #2457    


Cheryl Pope (Bumgarner)

Okay George,  you can't win for loosing. I don't consider myself cold hearted! I believe our class of '66 had more warm hearted females than cold hearted. I forgive you, too!

08/03/24 06:26 PM #2458    

Bobbie Marie Key (Rourk)

Leazer, praying for you & Tony.

08/03/24 06:35 PM #2459    

Bobbie Marie Key (Rourk)

Cathy Morrison:  I got a similar surprise a year or so ago - very large melanoma on my calf.  Also stage 1 with some regression.  An eejit in the derm's office scared the bjeezus out of us telling me I had stage 4 (where I come from, a death sentence).  Yes, I am on a first-name basis with the derm (tho have been promoted from scan every quarter to every 6 months).  Totally agree that ALL of us who were non-sunscreened sun worshippers should be seeing a dermatologist regularly.  I am assured by friends who've had several removed it's no big deal - wrong.  You have "suspicious moles" - mine never looked like the pictures.  Wishing you all the very best & begging EVERYBODY to get anything that doesn't look right checked out.

08/04/24 01:02 PM #2460    


Brenda Leazer (Chandler)

Thank you Bobbie Marie! We really appreciate it! We know that God is in control and hope for the best one day at a time!

08/05/24 09:29 AM #2461    


Dennis W. Haire

Bobbie Marie, I agree with you 100%!  I had a melanoma removed from my shoulder several years ago.  Fortunately, it was shallow but the doc took out a chunk!  After a year of quarterly visits followed by a year of 6 month visits, I am now back on the annual screening but I keep a lookout for anything new.  Johnson's Baby Oil was probably not a good sunscreen back in my younger years!

08/16/24 12:44 PM #2462    


Marilyn (Lyn) Baker (Jackson)

What a wonderful summer this has been for Bob and me! We have had our son Rob, his wife Angie, and our three grandchildren Ava, Brooke and Hayes home for almost two months.  They are currenlty serving as missionaries in Lisbon, Portugal.  We were so blessed to be able to have our son and daughter's entire families together again for our annual beach trip this summer.  Unfortunately Rob and family are returning to Lisbon on the 28th of this month as kids must return to school.  I'm already looking into trips to Portugal for next summer (lol) and then they will be home on leave for 6 months in the summer/fall of 2026.  

08/16/24 02:46 PM #2463    


Kay Manning (Elrod)

Lyn: You have had a great summer!  It is a blessing to have everyone together again. Thanks for sharing your good fortune with us, Lyn.  K

08/31/24 01:27 PM #2464    


Ed Burwell

I'm sorry to learn of Randy Kessinger's passing. Rest in Peace my ole friend from Finley Road School. You will no doubt be missed.

08/31/24 06:01 PM #2465    


Max Youngblood

I understand that Scott Martin just became a grandfather for the first time. Hey Scott, I have 14 if you need any pointers!

09/01/24 02:01 PM #2466    


Kay Manning (Elrod)

Between Max, David Sealy, and many others in our class - and we know who you are - grandpas are getting younger and younger it seems.

Congratulations to Scott and Jeanne on their first grandchild. Thanks for letting us know, Max!

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